Sunday, 9 September 2012

The Beginning of a New Studio

With Final Chapter arriving to a closure, a few expected and unexpected things happen to Atom Pancakes as a studio.

To give you all the latest gossip at first hand, I will present a list with the headlines and then explain in detail, all the brand new things happening to the studio as well as the future projects.


  1. Expansion of the studio from 3 members to 5. 
  2. Atom Pancakes Purpose
  3. Features in Magazines, etc. 
  4. Going Professional- one step further!
  5. New Features.
  6. Next Project.

Expansion of the studio from 3 members to 5.

The first and most important headline is that Atom Pancakes is getting bigger, after talks with the original members Jordan Buckner, Ethan Shilling and I. we all decided that would be best for all if we could bring more people in with different set of skills. Therefore, we invited and welcomed fellow CG Artists Leo Tsang and Sam Hayes, to our studio.  This addition will only benefit not only the studio but each individual as with a better and skilled team the work produce will be of a higher standard.

Atom Pancakes Purpose 

Our objective slightly changed from when we formed the studio, while at the beginning Atom pancakes served as a fictional studio created as part of our course minor project, nowadays the studio will work as a small community of 5 fellow artists who seek to find jobs in the industry by perfecting their skills, with the help of one another. Therefore Atom Pancakes is officially classified as a studio. 

 Features in Magazines and Events

Lately, Atom Pancakes attempted to publish the studio, by entering to events and festivals. Final Chapter was featured in New Designers 2012, and showcased throughout all the event where hundreds of people, appreciated the work put in it. However, not all is good news, Final Chapter was also submitted to Canterbury Anifest, however it wasn't shortlisted and won't be screened on the festival.
Individually, members of the studio were approached by magazines, and tried to once again give some extra exposure to the studio.
For example, I ( Ruben Martins) was featured at Digital Arts magazine September Issue, where The Final Chapter was indeed a big sensation. Meanwhile other online magazine, Ceiga was interested to feature the Final Chapter on their blog.

Going Professional- one step further! 

After a few meetings, at Atom pancakes we decided it was time to go one step further, and instead of having a fictional studio, we should seek to give professional service to possible employers. For this purpose, a few things undergone, first we are slightly changing the logo to upgrade our level of professionalism, we are creating business cards, with the individual names in order to present ourselves as a studio.  We are researching into funding, and other possible ways to get the studio going. And last but not least, we are looking for people who seek our services. 
Thus exciting yet stressful times approach but all is part of the experience. Wish us luck!! 

New Features 

To add extra professionalism to our studio we revamped this blog, with a new and cleaner layout design, in this blog we pretend to share some of the work produce for our projects, as well as have creative discussions where everybody is welcome to offer their feedback. Alongside the blog, our website also suffered a major update, in there you can find all the information about the studio as well as the last project we worked on, any future projects and the latest news about the studio. 

Next Project

While at New Designers, we made contact with a few fellow illustrators and graphic designers. Therefore our next project is the product of a  few talks with illustrator Amy Mccartney, to whom we proposed to adapt her children's book Little Robot, to a short animation. With the permission and enthusiasm of the illustrator, we are all set to begin the new project. Firstly, in 10 weeks time we will present a pitch presentation with 3 scenes of the story, expressing our art direction and style. Then with the agreement of the illustrator/storyteller Amy we will proceed to the animation.

So fasten your seat belts, while Atom Pancakes will take you behind the scenes of creating an animated short.

Ruben Martins

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